Mad Eel Gobbled a thumb at "the Klinker"

30th December 2005 (after a very long week sewing)

Mad Eeel or the 5th Hoover update is a joined venture with Zoe, Matt and Steward , as well as Aria, Casio and CLaude from Green Drummers. The whole evening was started with 1 improvised song, (Baba the Bear goes to Wonderland) which was rehearsed and learned in the car on the way in, and followed by the majestic entrance of the Hoover. Second set was a reading of pornographic lines about some woman who wanted to piss but she ends up doing it on herself and the guy she was with may have found that exciting,and starts touching her everywhere, feeling the "wetness" mmmhhh, then more hoover, and a very old Disney Film playing in the backgound. John on piano Joined as 5th band's member. All we say is it was a good experience but it is a shame it was not more musical to our tastes, as Green Drummers love their melodies.
Note: Most strange costumes this evening are done by Origane-fashion, including Neil's trousers, Voltane's pretty browny top, Brenda's skirt, Claude's bear outfit and PVC porno set, Matt's coat(which is too small) and the magnificent Hugh's new coat. Now these are too many lines about Origane-fashion, who really thinks she is the centre of the world, enough about her, we can play better guitar than she can make clothes! I mean when Aria plays herself, of course. Arrogant bitch. Pfffffff.

The Whole team Zoe, Stewart,Bear,and Matt. DSCF5295.jpg DSCF5296.jpg DSCF5297.jpg
Stewart and I and is it Aria in the background. Zoe sticking the words of the song "baba the bear goes to wonderland" on Stewart's back of course because she didn't know the words! No it wasn't for me at all??? Hoover Entrance Bear, hoover and Zoe violining her guitar DSCF5319.jpg
the amazing Hugh metcalf enjoying the comfort of his new coat, looking like a king. DSCF5326.jpg DSCF5327.jpg DSCF5328.jpg DSCF5336.jpg
Hugh trying to finish the first Mad Eel set and getting us off stage DSCF5341.jpg Voltane and his pretty new top More of VOltane's new pretty top Brenda and her Christmas Present
Hugh's tail coat Neil's new trousers(full of zipped pockets) Side view of Hugh's beauty Matt and bear Hugh and crowd
DSCF5357.jpg Bears werent made for playing guitar so it was a real mess Bear decided to bite her thumb off as it would then be easier to play magic guitar the team Bear and Stewart reading some porno
More intense porno reading and Zoe comes to see what we are doing DSCF5367.jpg Matt with beautiful accordion and coat Is Hugh part of the band? Ah no, he was fixing the PA. Zoe joining in to read some porno
Spitting over shoulder as porno is such porno crescendo Whats happening in here? Hugh closing the eventful evening Hugh making death notices (mmmh, better leave his nipples alone)
Mad Eel discussing about their next appearance More discussion or is Stewart having some good ideas again (ps notice Stewart nice shinny costume, and Matt's very pornographic shinny trousers) We will never forget you o green Drummers
